Release Notes


16 July 2024

  • Fixed some issues with crash reporting


10 July 2024

  • Fix a rare “No parameter exposed…” bug


4 June 2024

  • (macOS only) Actually usable in Baselight and Daylight with any license type.


19 April 2024

  • (Windows/Linux) Updated to CUDA 12.4
  • (Offline only) Holds onto seat after first use of plugin in the host. Only quitting the host application will release the seat.


31 December 2023

  • Added support for Leica Log
  • Fixed an issue with FilmLight hosts (macOS and Linux only)
  • Fixed an issue with very specific Windows installs


30 November 2023

  • (macOS) Minor performance increase (~1-2fps @ 4K)
  • (Windows) Fixed an issue running on cloud instances
  • (macOS, Linux, Studio) Fixed an issue when rendering thumbnails in Baselight


12 November 2023

  • Added adjustable Shadow/Midtone/Highlight parameters for Grain. This allows fine-tuned tweaking over the distribution of grain on an image.
  • Improve CUDA memory management on Filmlight products (Linux only)


13 October 2023

  • Bug fixes


11 October 2023

  • Filmbox can now participate in the Resolve LUT generation process
  • Optimized for macOS 14 Sonoma


25 September 2023

  • Added support for Apple Log
  • Fixed an issue with running in the App Store version of Resolve (macOS Only)


11 September 2023

WARNING: This update may slightly alter existing grades.

Filmbox 2.0 contains important refinements to the color pipeline and “Halation and Grain Only” mode. If you are in the middle of a project you may want to stay on your current version until it’s done. You can roll back to version 1.9.1 at any time by selecting “Install Alternate Version” from the Video Village Plugins app.

Color Pipeline

  • Gamut Compression has been added to prevent artifacts that could occur with highly saturated scene values.

Halation & Grain Only mode

  • Gamut clipping has been eliminated when working in AWG4 and reduced or eliminated in the other spaces as well.
  • Grain chromatic characteristics match the “Full” pipeline more closely.
  • Halation is now slightly more saturated and produces slightly smoother results in highlights.


8 September 2023

  • This is a long term release for Filmbox 1.x. Version 2.0 is coming out very soon - a free update for all!
  • UI improvements + minor performance tweaks


28 August 2023

  • Fixed a regression with alpha handling (macOS)
  • Fixed a minor regression with Halation & Grain Only


20 August 2023

  • Minor GPU performance improvements (macOS)
  • Fixed an upcoming bug in macOS 14
  • Bug fixes (Windows)


23 July 2023

  • Fixed a bug when resetting the Print Version option
  • Added (Inaccurate) P3 D65 Gamma 2.4 and (Inaccurate) Rec.2020 Gamma 2.4 as Source options primarily for use with already display-prepped photo or CG material


17 July 2023

  • New “Extended” Print color science, which you can read about in a post on our blog.
  • Faster performance (Windows & Linux)
  • Faster load times for newer NVIDIA GPUs (Windows & Linux)


15 May 2023

  • Improved Halation & Grain Only mode shadow detail
  • Fixed an issue with ACEScc output colorspace selection
  • A warning message will now pop up if you are attempting to use an incompatible GPU processing mode in Resolve such as OpenCL on macOS and Windows


4 May 2023

  • (Windows) Improved stability


21 April 2023

  • (macOS) Fixed an issue when running in the App Store version of Resolve
  • (Windows) Improved stability


1 April 2023

  • Internal stability updates


19 March 2023

  • Added “P3 D65 ST2084” output colorspace to support additional theatrical workflows
  • Fixed performance issue rendering when using the same plugin instance for both 2K (and below) and 4K (and greater) content.


1 March 2023

  • “Plugin Manager” button is now back for macOS
  • Additional bug fixes and error checking on Windows


16 February 2023

  • Fixed an issue with Halation and Grain only mode when using “(Inaccurate) Rec.709 Gamma 2.4” as Source.
  • (Windows) Internal fixes and optimizations.


26 January 2023

  • Initial Windows release!
  • Added a slider for adjusting the print’s black point.
  • Fixed an issue with alpha channel / masking in Resolve.


4 January 2023

  • Fixed crash when loading in Fusion Studio
  • Internal fixes


30 November 2022

  • Removed a (usually imperceptible) “scratch” visible in a single frame of the 35mm grain.
  • Added support for Nikon Log


11 September 2022

  • Added support for F-Log and F-Log 2


19 June 2022

  • Fixed a possible crash that could occur when multiple OFX plugins are loaded.


6 June 2022

  • Fixed an issue with LUT export in the App Store version of Resolve


4 June 2022

  • Added support for Arri’s new LogC4 format
  • Minor performance improvements


6 May 2022

  • Added “(Inaccurate) Rec.709 Gamma 2.4” as a source
  • Added ability to export a LUT in “Print Only” mode
  • You can now export 33x LUTs
  • Added “RCM HDR” and “RCM SDR” output colorspaces to aid in some workflows
  • Changed “DaVinci Intermediate” source name to “DaVinci Wide Gamut Intermediate”
  • Updated User Guide


27 November 2021

  • Fixed a bug with rendering in Fusion
  • Updated PDF guide with the new Resolve 17 color management options.


7 October 2021

  • Improved render speed for multi-node workflows.
  • Renamed output colorspace “ACES ST2084 1000 nits” to “ACES HDR”. Updated the user manual to better explain how to decide between the different ACES output spaces.


22 August 2021

  • Fixed a terrible bug in Resolve 17.3. After the update you may need to re-enable the plugin by going to DaVInci Resolve -> Preferences -> Video Plugins -> Enable All -> Save. Restart Resolve (and your Mac too, if that didn’t work), and hopefully all is well!


7 August 2021

  • Fixed an issue with re-subscription.


29 May 2021

WARNING: This update may slightly alter existing grades.

Filmbox 1.4.0 contains important refinements to the color pipeline. If you are in the middle of a project you may want to stay on your current version until it’s done. Starting with 1.4.0, Filmbox will track the color pipeline version so that future refinements to the pipeline won’t alter existing grades. Contact us if you need to roll back to 1.3.8.


  • LUTs exported from Filmbox now contain a record of the Filmbox color pipeline settings in the LUT’s metadata
  • Fixed a bug when rendering individual clips at same-as-source resolution
  • Fixed a DaVinci Intermediate inaccuracy

Color Pipeline

  • Improved handling of highly saturated values and reduced banding sometimes visible in gradients of bright saturated tones
  • Fixed an issue with gamut hard-clipping on some imagery especially in blue tones


  • Fixed an inaccuracy with the ACES SDR outputs
  • Added the ability to choose whether or not Filmbox counteracts the dim surround compensation that is part of some ACES ODTs (see ACES section in user guide)
  • Fixed inaccuracies with P3 outputs


9 May 2021

  • Fixed a terrible showstopping bug
  • Fixed issue with rendering black on Intel GPUs


7 May 2021

  • Added a slider to control the softness of the grain.
  • Updated user guides.


4 May 2021

  • You can now actually use the Split Tone Lab tool.


4 May 2021

  • First public release!
Really good film emulation

Version 2.2.8 — Release Notes

Requires DaVinci Resolve 17+ on macOS 10.15+ or Windows 10+ w/ NVIDIA GPU. Linux Resolve & Baselight requires a Studio license.