Added an export tool to adapt a 3D LUT for a Resolve ACES workflow. It creates a .cube LUT with a 1D shaper and 3D LUT, so only Resolve will be able to read the exported LUT.
Prevent CDLs imported in the Batch Exporter from being approximately converted when exporting as “Approximate CDL”. Original CDL values will be used instead.
Added CCC export support for single CDLs in the Apply CDL tool
Added BMD Wide Gamut, set BMD Camera colorspaces to Legacy
Updated BMD equations to be more precise
Added “Add Key” pull-down menu to the file name scheme in the batch exporter to make it easier to insert fields such as original filename, LUT format, size, etc.
Tetrahedral LUT preview support for macOS Sierra, Mavericks, and Yosemite. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Tetrahedral preview is not possible on El Capitan
Re-enabled previewing up to 65536 sized 1D LUTs without having to downsize to 4096 for macOS Sierra, Mavericks, and Yosemite. Due to unforeseen circumstances, previewing up to 65536 sized 1D LUTs without having to downsize to 4096 is not possible on El Capitan
Added CanonLog3
Added REDLog3G10 and REDWideGamutRGB
Added support for the AJA 1D LUT (.txt) format
Added support for ACES 1.0.2
Combining a LUT will always use the original LUT’s input bounds in the resultant LUT
The Lattice splash screen will now always show when there are no LUTs open
The spinning progress wheel for processing a LUT will now stop when the LUT preview is done processing
Fixed a bug where the title or description of the LUT wouldn’t get saved in some circumstances
Added BMDFilm 4.6K, Phantom Log 1 and 2 transfer functions
Added BMDFilm 4K and 4.6K colorspaces - special thanks to Tashi Trieu for deriving these!
Renamed colorspaces: “DCI-P3” to “P3” and “DCI-XYZ” to “DCDM-X’Y’Z’”
Removed footlambert compensation from “CIE-XYZ” colorspace
“Auto-Adjust Scene Minimum” feature will now shift the minimum scene value of the source function to match the destination function by simply adding the difference to the scene linear data. Previously it just scaled source scene values below zero to scale with the destination scene values below zero.
Added a “Batch Export” feature for a supplied list of LUTs. Use Shift-⌘-B or File->Batch Export LUTs… Drag and Drop as many folders and LUTs into the list as you would like.
Added a “Auto Adjust Scene Minimum” option to the Color Space converter for cameras with different ways of encoding their “Scene Minimum” values.
Added two video scaling features especially for the eeColor LUT Box.
LUT Formats
Added support for reading and writing the “Panasonic VLT” 3D LUT format.
User Experience
“Extended” range is now named “Full” range.
Fixed a bug where working with DPX preview images could cause crashes in some cases.
Added a “Batch Export” feature for a supplied list of LUTs. Use Shift-⌘-B or File->Batch Export LUTs… Drag and Drop as many folders and LUTs into the list as you would like.
Added a “Auto Adjust Scene Minimum” option to the Color Space converter for cameras with different ways of encoding their “Scene Minimum” values.
Added two video scaling features especially for the eeColor LUT Box.
LUT Formats
Added support for reading and writing the “Panasonic VLT” 3D LUT format.
User Experience
“Extended” range is now named “Full” range.
Fixed a bug where working with DPX preview images could cause crashes in some cases.
You can now Isolate the Color of 3D LUTs with “not reversible” 1D components.
Added a “Make Reversible” feature for 1D LUTs that will go through a 1D LUT and “fix” the issues that make it not reversible. This is the same process that now allows us to isolate the color of a 3D LUT with a “not reversible” 1D component.
Added a “Compare to Identity” feature that lets you easily compare the current LUT to the identity of the same size and input bounds.
User Experience
When you Export or Save As a LUT, the list of available LUT formats is now alphabetized.
LUT Formats
Added a CTL LUT export format for both 3D and 1D LUTs.
Fixed a problem with Discreet 1D LUTs not reading or writing in the proper format
Fixed a bug where the app would crash if you tried to switch the video in the image preview.
Fixed a bug where occasionally user input in a text field would be ignored.
Added an “Apply CDL” feature. Either create your own custom CDL correction or use “Browse” to import as many ALE, FLEx, CMX EDL, CC, CCC, and CDL files as you would like to choose from. Lattice will automatically parse all the CDL information and put them in a list for you to select grades from.
Added an “Apply CTL” feature. You can now apply CTL(s) to a LUT. Drag and drop into the list or click the “+” button to add CTLs, drag and drop to reorder, and click the “-“ button to remove the selected CTLs. You can also optionally download the ACES 1.0 distribution and it will be included in the CTL Module search along with a custom specified CTL module folder.
User Experience
There is now a “LUT processing” spinning wheel on the top right corner that will let you know if the LUT is being worked on at the moment.
When a LUT can’t be opened an error window now presents some information about why it failed to open.
Color Processing
Lattice used to improperly handle non-sRGB embedded colorspaces in images. This has been fixed. You can set in the Preferences whether or not to preserve the colorspace of an image when processing and viewing it. This will not affect the processing of the LUT at all.
Fixed an issue where converting to a 1D LUT in Mavericks resulted in an immediate crash.
Fixed an issue where a video would continue playing back audio after the LUT window had been closed.